
Showing posts from February, 2021

Almost imperceptively slow progress

Turns out that there's a ton left to do on the frame rings/bulkheads.  They're in the right shape, but to make them waterproof, I'll be putting at least a full coat and maybe two of epoxy all over.  A couple of the frames will have waterproof hatches and/or inspection ports.  The inspection ports need small backing rings, and the big hatches need backing frames.  The round holes in the frame above access the areas behind the cockpit seats.  That frame creates the back of the cabin house/front of the cockpit, so those ports will be accessed from inside the cabin.  Since it's way easier to cut them out and apply the backers before they're installed, I'm doing that.   On the subject of stringers, we spent last Saturday buying, planing and ripping up stringers.  We decided on 2x8x 12' prime kiln dried Douglas Fir studs.  This helps us avoid most of the bad knots.  The kiln dried part keeps us from having to wait months for the wood to d...

Bits and Bobs #1

 There's not a lot to report right now.  Work is definitely happening (a lot in fact), but not a lot to show. Bit #1 The ring frames are assembled, epoxied, filled, and mostly sanded.  They pretty much look the same as they have for a while.  I still have some parts to rout, sand and otherwise finish, but they're pretty much done. Bit #2 The most interesting part to see right now is the strongback.  We've slightly rearranged the shop to make for a little more room now that many of the parts are assembled together.  They are larger, but they generally take up less "volume" so we needed to restack everything and place the strongbacks where they're going to be throughout assembly.  I was thinking I'd put wheels on mine.  I was also going to put height adjusters on mine to account for unevenness of the floor.  After some thought, I decided I'd just shim it around so it sits evenly and relatively flat on the floor.  I used a sharpie and drew ...