Moving Along

Once all of the plywood skins are attached, there's a bunch of filling of cracks, gaps, and screw holes to do. Then sanding, sanding, sanding in prep for fiberglass taping and putting down final fiberglass. Once the wood itself is rounded enough to allow fiberglass tape to comply with the curve, it's time to apply the fiberglass tape. It's not all that hard. Cut off an appropriate length of tape, trim it to allow it to go around corners where necessary. Then put down some unthinned epoxy a little wider than the tape, and squish the tape into the epoxy. Then use a little additional epoxy with a brush to secure the tape and squeeze the air bubbles out. Rinse and repeat. We got 300g/ m 2 tape with our kits, so we need to apply two layers. The prints call for two layers of 600g/ m 2 tape (one layer of 100mm wide tape, and another layer of 150mm wide tape). This means that we need two layers of 300 x 100mm tape, and two layers of 150mm ta...