Arcy Sparky

I didn't really get into the grinding of the shape of the keels before welding, here's a few pics. All said and done, it took about nine minutes of lasering, five hours of milling (setup and cutting) and about two hours of grinding per keel. All ballpark numbers, but it's not off by a lot. The milling is pretty monotonous, in that you pretty much set it up and crank handles, and it doesn't take much thought once you figure out the numbers. The grinding is more "artistic" because it takes some feel and a fair bit of patience and a lot of paying attention to not go crazy and grind a bunch of hollows into it that you have to fix. At the end of the last update, I mentioned that the welding of the keel was next. Well, Jim at Danrich Welding and his guys Jaime and Juan took care of us. They did a fantastic job of setup and welding. There's no possible way that I can write enough words to describe the process. Let the pictures speak f...